Direct Mail
FUSO Canter, Blue Circle Cement, LDV, Mercedes Benz Actros and Plymovent
Brief: Copywriting and concepts for a variety of Direct Mail pieces
Media: Print
Agency: Palmer Hargreaves, BMP Countrywide, Buckfield Lord, Connect
Copywriter: Paul Kardasz
Art Director: Paul Kardasz, Andrew O'Donnell (Plymovent, Blue Circle) Julian Bird (LDV) John Dean (FUSO Canter)
Photographer: N/A
FUSO Canter DM: Internal communication DM to all staff at MB Trucks UK to communicate the little recognised fact that the FUSO Canter is one of the world's most popular and best selling trucks. As an extra incentive to open the DM piece a Wispa chocolate bar was also included in the mailing which was left on each member of staff's desk. The DM was judged by staff to have been one of the best (not to mention the tastiest) they had ever received from the internal comms team.
LDV - Range of Direct Mail pieces to remind customers of seasonal servicing offers and MOT appointments, warranty deals and offers on various models.
Blue Circle Cement - Make customers aware that all Blue Circle Aggregates now come in 25kg bags to comply with newly introduced weight lifting legislation
Mercedes Benz Actros - Direct Mailing to Mercedes customers containing CD to allow them to log on to the world's first ever interactive test drive conducted live online from the cab of an Actros truck by former editor of Truck magazine George Bennett.
Plymovent Extraction - Mailer to Fire Station Chief Officers across the UK highlighting the dangers of diesel fumes in the work environment and the affordable solution to them. Sent out as a follow up to direct response advertisement to the remaining Fire Chief who did not respond first time resulting in eventual 100% response and follow up by sales force.